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Commission de gestion du Pouvoir judiciaire

The Commission de gestion organises and runs the Judiciary Power which autonomously manages the resources placed at its disposal by the Cantonal Parliament. It defines strategic objectives and budget, human resources, information systems, logistics, security and communication policies. It ensures the coherence of the action of the Judiciary Power in cooperation with the Conseil supérieur de la magistrature and the Conférence des président·e·s de juridiction.




Place du Bourg-de-Four 1
1204 Genève

Contact details

Mailing address

Commission de gestion du Pouvoir judiciaire
Secrétariat général du Pouvoir judiciaire

Case postale 3966
1211 Genève 3


The Commission de gestion:

  • Sets the four-year financial planning of the Judiciary Power, its multi-annual investment planning and its annual budget proposal.
  • Establishes the multi-annual strategic plan of the Judiciary Power and monitors its implementation.
  • Approves risk mapping and monitors its development.
  • Allocates resources to the jurisdictions and support directorates, decides in particular on their staffing and defines their qualifications.
  • Determines the policies of the Judiciary Power with regard to human resources, information and communication systems, logistics, security and communication.
  • Adopts the regulations and directives necessary for the proper functioning of the Judiciary Power.
  • Supervises the management of projects involving major issues for the Judiciary Power.
  • Adopts a position on parliamentary matters pertaining to the Judiciary Power, in particular on draft laws and regulations during federal and cantonal consultations.
  • Appoints the secretary general of the Judiciary Power.
  • Supervises the operations of the offices, the Office of the Secretary General and the support directorates.
  • Organises the internal oversight, the management control and the Audit interne of Judiciary Power.
  • Validates the election of the jurisdiction presidents.
  • Represents the Judiciary Power during its interactions with the political authorities.

Organization and membership

The Commission de gestion is made up of the following members:

  • The attorney general, who presides over it
  • A permanent magistrate of a civil court
  • A permanent magistrate of a criminal court
  • A permanent magistrate of a public law court
  • A member of staff
  • An alternate member of staff

Permanent judges who are members of the Commission de gestion are elected by the Conférence des président·e·s de juridiction for a 3-year term, renewable once.

The staff member and alternate member are elected by the staff of the Judiciary Power, also for a 3-year term.

The secretary general of the Judiciary Power sits on the Commission de gestion and has an optional vote.
