The document below:
- Informs to which written communications it applies
- Explains the necessary means required to communicate electronically
- Provides information on how to submit written communications to a court electronically
E-mail addresses of the instances
Please note that these e-mail addresses are to be used only for secure exchanges.
Instance | E-mail of the instance |
Legal aid | |
Commission de conciliation en matière de baux et loyers | |
Cour de justice Cour civile | |
Cour de justice Cour pénale | |
Cour de justice Cour de droit public Chambre des assurances sociales (authorized electronic communication before the CJCAS only for the reasons given in the CPC (art. 18A para. 6 LPA)) |
Tribunal des prud'hommes | |
Justice of the peace | |
Public Prosecutor's Office | |
Tribunal de première instance | |
Tribunal de protection de l'adulte et de l'enfant | |
Tribunal des baux et loyers | |
Tribunal des mineurs | |
Tribunal pénal |