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Access to administrative or concluded proceedings documents

This page allows you to request access to court documents (in connection with a concluded proceedings), in particular to your divorce judgment, or to administrative documents (in connection with the functioning of the Judiciary Power).

Request for access to court or administrative documents

Fill in, date, sign and send the application form with attachments:

Contact details

Mailing address

Service des affaires juridiques
Case postale 3966
1211 Genève 3

Divorce judgment

Fill in, date, sign and send the application form with attachments:

For cases filed starting from January 1, 2011

This form concerns requests for deeds (free copies, certified copies, extracts of judgments, attestations of enforceability, certificates of entry into force, Annexe V of the Lugano Convention, various attestations and certificates) relating to proceedings initiated on or after January 1, 2011.

For cases filed before January 1, 2011

This form concerns requests for deeds (free copies, certified copies, extracts of judgments, enforceable copies, certificates of entry into force, various attestations and certificates) relating to proceedings initiated before January 1, 2011.

Contact details


Opening hours

Mailing address

Tribunal de première instance
Service des transcriptions et délivrances d'actes
Case postale 3736
1211 Genève 3


The delivery of documents is subject to a fee. It may be requested before the requested documents are sent. In which case the requested documents will only be provided after payment.


The disclosure of the document may be partially or totally refused due to legal restrictions. After processing the the request, the document will be sent:

  • By e-mail or priority mail: if the domicile is in Switzerland
  • By e-mail or registered mail: if the cost of the delivery exceeds Fr. 300.- or if the domicile is abroad