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Conférence des président·e·s de juridiction
Secrétariat général du Pouvoir judiciaire
Case postale 3966
1211 Genève 3
Mr Pierre-Alain CHATELAN
The Conférence des président·e·s:
- Elects magistrates from the criminal, civil and public law branches to sit on the Commission de gestion du Pouvoir judiciaire.
- Makes a recommendation for the choice of the Secretary General of the Judiciary Power.
- Ensures the initial and in-service training of magistrates.
- Evaluates the activity of the jurisdictions.
- Proposes remedial actions to the Commission de gestion du Pouvoir judiciaire after having heard the concerned court.
Organization and membership
The Conférence des président·e·s, composed of the jurisdiction presidents and the vice-presidents of the Cour de justice, elects its own president and adopts its own rules for its operations. It is assisted by the Secretary General, who participates in its work with an advisory capacity.
Members of the Conférence des président·e·s
Verena PEDRAZZINI RIZZI, President | Vice-President of the Cour de justice, Cour civile |
Pierre-Alain CHATELAN, vice-President | President of the Tribunal de protection de l'adulte et de l'enfant |
Olivier JORNOT | President of the Public Prosecutor's Office and Attorney General |
Pierre-Yves MAURON | President of the Tribunal civil |
Yves MAURER-CECCHINI | President of the Tribunal Pénal |
Giovanna LEMBO | President of the Tribunal des prud'hommes |
Stéphane ZEN-RUFFINEN | President of Tribunal des mineurs |
Olivier BINDSCHEDLER TORNARE | President of the Tribunal administratif de première instance |
Christian COQUOZ | President of the Cour de justice |
Florence KRAUSKOPF | Vice-President of the Cour de justice, Cour de droit public |
Gaëlle VAN HOVE | Vice-President of the Cour de justice, Cour pénale |
Patrick BECKER | Secretary General of the Judiciary Power (advisory capacity) |