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Conseil supérieur de la magistrature

The Conseil supérieur de la magistrature supervises the permanent magistrates, assessors and deputy judges of the Judiciary Power. It ensures the proper functioning of the jurisdictions and that judges fulfil their duties with dignity, rigor, diligence and humanity.




Place du Bourg-de-Four 1
1204 Genève

Contact details

Mailing address

Conseil supérieur de la magistrature
Case postale 3900
1211 Genève 3


M. Christian COQUOZ


The Conseil supérieur de la magistrature:

  • Ensures administrative supervision and control of the judicial magistrates’ activity.
  • Investigates complaints concerning judicial magistrates in office.
  • Pronounces disciplinary sanctions or measures against magistrates (removal from office, injunction to complete their professional training, etc.).
  • Decides on requests from magistrates for changing their rate of activity.
  • Decides on requests for the lifting of the secrecy of office to which magistrates of the Judiciary Power and persons appointed by a judicial authority are subject, to carry out a task provided for by law.
  • Makes recommendations about candidacies for judicial elections.

Organization and membership

The Conseil supérieur de la magistrature is composed of 2 ex officio members, the President of the Cour de justice, who presides over it, the Attorney General, 4 members elected by their peers, i.e. 2 permanent magistrates of the Judiciary Power and 2 lawyers at the Bar, as well as 3 members appointed by the State Council, who may be neither magistrates nor lawyers. With the exception of the President of the Cour de justice and the Attorney General, the members of the council are appointed for 3 years. They may be re-elected once.

In the event the permanent members are absent, a permanent magistrate, a lawyer at the Bar and a member appointed by the State Council, shall replace them.

The Cour d'appel du Pouvoir judiciaire is the authority responsible for ruling on appeals against the council’s decisions.

Members of the Conseil supérieur de la magistrature

Christian COQUOZ, president President of the Cour de justice
Olivier JORNOT General Attorney
Sylvie DROIN Judge at the Cour de justice
Miranda LINIGER GROS Judge at the Tribunal civil
Jean-François DUCREST Lawyer
Grégoire MANGEAT Lawyer
Fabienne BUGNON  Former sautier of the Cantonal Parliament of the Republic and Canton of Geneva
Françoise DEMIERRE MORAND Notary
Fabienne PROZ JEANNERET Former judge at the Tribunal des mineurs
Florence KRAUSKOPF, suppléante Vice-President of the Cour de justice
Yves BERTOSSA, substitute Chief Public Prosecutor
Pauline ERARD, suppléante Judge at the Cour de justice
Matteo INAUDI, substitute Lawyer
Bénédict DE CANDOLLE, substitute Notary