Contact details
Opening hours
8h30-12h30 / 13h30-16h30
During its opening hours, the greffe universel also takes care of reception, making appointments and providing general information about the bureau de mediation.
Mr. Jean-Martin DROZ
Deputy Secretary-General
The Greffe universel:
- Welcomes, informes and guides litigants, lawyers and court officers
- Provides support for litigants in their administrative proceedings
- Ensures the distribution of information leaflets, brochures and forms
- Receives procedural acts, exhibit lists (evidence annexed to the petition in court) and any other documents intended for the courts and services
- Receives payments by debit and credit cards and by Twint
Provided services
- Reception of filings, exhibits and deeds
Filing exhibits, documents and forms has been made easier: you can now file documents for all instances and services at a single place.
The deadlines for appeals and processing are preserved: any filing requiring urgent processing is transmitted immediately, by digital means, to the corresponding instance or service.
All non-urgent filings made after 13h are received by the relevant instance or service the following morning. On the other hand, deposits made in the morning, i.e. between 8h and 13h, reach their addressee the same day.
- Distribution and reception of application forms
Forms are available on the dedicated page of our website. If you are unsure or have questions, the Greffe universel will direct you to the form(s) relevant to your request. It is also at your disposal to answer your questions about its content.
- Reception of payments by debit/credit cards and by Twint
Upon presentation of an invitation to pay, the Greffe universel ensures several types of collections, in connection with a proceedings:
- Request for the issuance of deeds and documents
- Request for copies of documents
- Bankruptcy appeals
- Lawyers’ accounts provision
In the event of a deposit of your rent and upon presentation of the duly completed form, it is possible to pay the first deposited rent directly to the Greffe universel.
Organization and composition
The Greffe universel is made up of the following:
- A reception desk that guides the public and provides brief information
- 2 desks that provide services for the Judiciary Power’s instances and offices

The Greffe universel is under the authority of the Office of the Secretary General of the Judiciary Power.