Top viewed application forms
Legal aid
Civil and administrative legal assistance
In civil and administrative proceedings.
Criminal legal aid
In criminal proceedings.
Parental responsibility
Unmarried parents whose child has been recognized by his/her father can make a joint declaration to obtain joint parental responsibility with the following form:
Trainee lawyers
- Inscription au registre cantonal des avocat∙e∙s (titulaires du brevet genevois)
- Inscription au registre cantonal des avocat∙e∙s (avocat∙e∙s suisses non titulaires du brevet genevois)
- Inscription au registre cantonal des avocat∙e∙s-stagiaires
- Inscription au tableau des avocat∙e∙s ressortissant∙e∙s d'un état membre de l'UE/AELE
- Modification de l'inscription au registre cantonal ou tableau des avocat∙e∙s
- Modification ou réinscription des avocat∙e∙s-stagiaires
Rental and lease
The Commission de conciliation en matière de baux et loyers - Requests for use by the tenant
Rental deposit
To deposit your rent when the landlord is slow to repair a defect in the rented property.
Consult the thematic guide Rental deposit
Request for the validation of a deposit
Within 30 days following the date on which the first deposited rent becomes due, you must submit a request for validation of the deposit to the conciliation authority in order to assert your claims against the landlord.
Request for a rent reduction
To ask for a rent reduction (for example, as a result of a lower mortgage rate) when the landlord has refused to grant it to you.
Request for challenging the termination and/or for the extension of the lease
To contest the termination and/or request the extension of the lease.
Request to challenge rent increases and other amendments of the lease
To challenge rent increases and other amendments of the lease that your landlord has sent you.
Request to challenge the initial rent
To challenge the initial rent of your residential or commercial premises after taking possession of the property (within 30 days).
Request for payment (tenant)
To claim money from your landlord.
Request for miscellaneous services (tenant)
For any other request.
Annexed sheet
To be used to submit the requested additional information.
The Commission de conciliation en matière de baux et loyers - Requests for use by the landlord
Request for payment (landlord)
To claim money from your tenant.
Request for an eviction order
To oblige the tenant to leave the premises at the end of the lease.
Request for the release of deposited rent
To get the payment of unjustly deposited rent.
Application for miscellaneous services (landlord)
For any other request.
Annexed sheet
To be used to submit the requested additional information.
Tribunal des baux et loyers
If your claim is a simplified statement of claim or an application related to a clear case, you can use the following forms:
Simplified statement of claim
For financial disputes with a value in dispute not exceeding Fr. 30'000.- and for disputes concerning the deposit of rent, protection against abusive rent, protection against termination, or the extension of the rental relationship.
Request in the proceeding applicable to clear cases
When the facts are not in dispute or can be demonstrated very easily, and when the application of the law is not complicated.
Note: these cases are limited and the proceedings involve technical legal aspects. It is therefore advisable to consult a qualified professional in the field.
Certificate of civil capacity
Online service: request a certificate of civil capacity
Labour law dispute
Forms and documents must be filed in as many copies as there are parties.
For example, if you are suing only one defendant, you must file 2 copies; against 2 defendants, 3 copies, etc.
Inspection of case documents/photocopy
Tribunal des prud'hommes
Public Prosecutor's Office
Maintenance agreement and joint requests
Document delivery
Request for access to official documents
Tribunal de première instance
For cases filed starting from January 1, 2011
This form concerns requests for deeds (free copies, certified copies, extracts of judgments, attestations of enforceability, certificates of entry into force, Annexe V of the Lugano Convention, various attestations and certificates) relating to proceedings initiated on or after January 1, 2011.
For cases filed before January 1, 2011
This form concerns requests for deeds (free copies, certified copies, extracts of judgments, enforceable copies, certificates of entry into force, various attestations and certificates) relating to proceedings initiated before January 1, 2011.
Tribunal administratif de première instance
Tribunal de protection de l'adulte et de l'enfant
Tribunal des prud'hommes
Recording of a statutory mortgage right
For tradesmen and building contractors only
For tradesmen and building contractors who want to protect their debt by recording a statutory mortgage right on their client's property.
For the owner of a private property, who wishes to prohibit access to this property, or to prohibit an existing or imminent disturbance, or to be able to affix official signs to denounce the offenders.
Request for removal
To obtain the provisional or final removal of the objections filed by the debtor against the order to pay.
Civil Procedure
Application for conciliation
To initiate proceedings in civil and commercial matters before the conciliation authority.
Main exceptions (art. 198 CPC): (Ex-parte) interim measures, measures for the protection of the marital union, divorce, dissolution of a registered partnership, rectification of the civil status registry, some proceedings arising from the DEBA (action for release from a debt, action for a declaratory judgment, third party action, action for participation, action to challenge the schedule of claims, action to ascertain new assets, action for the recovery of items).
Simplified statement of claim
For financial disputes with a value in dispute not exceeding 30’000.- francs and for other cases specifically provided for in the law (disputes involving violence, threats, or harassment (art. 28b CC), certain disputes concerning leases and rents, disputes relating to the right of access to data under the Federal Act on Data Protection).
Request in the clear case proceeding
Where the facts are not in dispute or can be very easily established, and the application of the law is not complicated.
Exclusion divorce, proceedings involving children in family law.
Recovery of objects/assets Recovery
Separation and divorce
Request for precautionary measures during divorce proceedings
To request the urgent intervention of the judge during the divorce proceedings.
Request for measures for the protection of the marital union
To request the intervention of the judge when no divorce proceedings have been initiated (for example, to determine maintenance contributions, custody and visitation rights over the children, the allocation of the house to one of the spouses, etc.).
Inmate visit
This form should be returned, together with a legible copy of an identity document, to the competent authority (for the contact details of the courts, see the Contacts and Access page).
- Demande d’autorisation de visite d'une détenue ou d'un détenu (français)
- Demande d’autorisation de visite d'une détenue ou d'un détenu (allemand)
- Demande d’autorisation de visite d'une détenue ou d'un détenu (italien)
- Demande d’autorisation de visite d'une détenue ou d'un détenu (espagnol)
- Demande d’autorisation de visite d'une détenue ou d'un détenu (albanais)