Contact details
Opening hours
Monday: 13h30-17h
Tuesday to Thursday: 8h30-12h / 13h30-17h
Friday: 8h30-12h
Mailing address
Bibliothèque centrale du Pouvoir judiciaire
Place du Bourg-de-Four 1
1204 Genève
Head of the Department
Mr. Stéphane GIVKOVIC
Terms of access
The library is open to all members of the public, subject to compliance with the terms of access to the courthouse and copyright legislation.
- Free access to the collection
- On-site consultation, no loans for the external public
- Paid photocopies (photocopy cards available at the reception desk)
- 10 workplaces with electrical outlets and free wifi
- 2 PCs available for your research in the catalogue
Consult the library’s rules of use.

Are you looking for legal documentation?
Our swisscovery catalogue allows you to browse through some 10'000 books and 450 periodical titles, and to access the collections of more than 470 academic and scientific libraries throughout Switzerland.
- As the Central Library of the Judiciary Power is a reference library, registration with the Swiss Library Service Platform is not necessary to use its resources. However, in order to use the services of the other libraries in the same network, you must be registered (free of charge), according to the following procedure: How to create your account in Swiss Library Service Platform.
- Each document is classified according to the francophone legal classification, detailed in the classification plan of the collection.
- All services can be found in our user guide.
Some must-sees
The new acquisitions:
- Décembre 2024 or directly in the catalogue swisscovery
- Novembre 2024
- Octobre 2024
- Septembre 2024
- Juillet-Août 2024
- Juin 2024
- Mai 2024
- Avril 2024
- Mars 2024
- Février 2024
- Janvier 2024
- Décembre 2023
The commentaries:
The memorial of the cantonal Parliament sessions of the Republic and canton of Geneva, in its entirety (1829 ->)
LexFind: search in all the legislation of the cantons and the Confederation. Access to old versions of laws.
The case-law reports (complete collections):
- Arrêts du Tribunal fédéral (ATF)
- Semaine judiciaire (SJ)
- Journal des tribunaux (JDT)
List of all available journals.
Electronic resources available on site
- More than 70 E-Books
- Capitalisator software (accompanies the Stauffer, Schaetzle, Weber capitalization tables and programs, and permanently replaces manual calculation using these tables)
- Various other library catalogs
The service occasionally produces thematic bibliographies, in connection with current events or events taking place within the central library or the Judicial power.
- Mediation and out-of-court settlements: bibliographie
A selection of works introducing mediation, an out-of-court dispute resolution method that is still too little known.
- Paralegal corner: bibliographies
A selection of works (novels, essays, comics, DVDs, etc...) dealing with the world of justice, forensics, lawyers, courts, judges, etc... They can be found under three headings: - Paralegal (GE): Geneva
- Paralegal (P): general
- Paralegal (R): novels
No, the case law of the Judiciary Power is not available at the Library. You have to contact directly the desk of the relevant instance. Part of the case law is also published on the website of the Judiciary Power.
No, the Library does not provide legal advice. You must contact a professional (e.g., a lawyer) or a legal advice service.
See Legal advice service and legal counsels’ page
Useful links
- Bibliothèque de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Fribourg
- Bibliothèque de la Faculté de droit et de sciences criminelles de l'Université de Lausanne
- Bibliothèque de l'Institut suisse de droit comparé
- Bibliothèque de l'Université de Neuchâtel (inclut la Faculté de droit)
- Portail de droit de la bibliothèque de l'Université de Genève