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Audit interne

The mission of the Audit interne is to provide the Judiciary Power with an assurance as to the degree of control over its activities through an objective and independent assessment of the functioning of its courts and services, as well as its processes related to judicial activity, governance, control and administrative and financial management.




Place du Bourg-de-Four 1
1204 Genève

Contact details

Mailing address

Audit interne
Case Postale 3966
1211 Genève 3

Presidency and directorate

President of the Comité d'audit

Mr. François-Xavier DEMONT
Director of the Cellule d'audit


The scope of the Audit interne includes the Judiciary Power as a whole, with the exception of the Cour d'appel du Pouvoir judiciaire and the Conseil supérieur de la magistrature.

The Audit interne operates on the basis of an annual or multi-annual audit plan which is based in particular on its risk analysis, that of the Commission de gestion and the strategic plan of the Judiciary Power. It also takes into account the audits planned by the Audit interne service of the State of Geneva and the Court of auditors. In addition, it may consult the courts and the Support directorates of the Judiciary Power.

Upon completion of each assignment, the Audit interne draws up a report including its recommendations on which the audited entities give their opinion. Its audit reports are confidential. They are communicated to the Commission de gestion.

The Audit interne has unrestricted access to all documents, information systems and physical assets necessary for the performance of its mission. It may consult court decisions and files. It benefits from the diligent collaboration of members of the Judiciary Power who may not invoke official secrecy against it.

Organization and membership

The Audit interne du Pouvoir judiciaire consists of the Comité d'audit and the Cellule d'audit, which are bound by professional confidentiality.

The Comité d'audit exercises operational authority over the Cellule d'audit and is responsible for monitoring and evaluating its activity. It ensures the respect of the Cellule d'audit’s independence.

The Comité d'audit is made up of:

  • A member of the Commission de gestion, who presides  over the committee
  • A member or former member of the Judiciary Power
  • A permanent active magistrate
  • 2 external members chosen for their managerial, organisational or auditing skills

The Cellule d'audit is led by a Director. It includes at least one scientific collaborator.

Members of the Comité d'audit

Milena GUGLIELMETTI, president Judge of the Tribunal civil
Stéphane ESPOSITO, vice-president Judge of the Tribunal pénal
Lobsang DUCHUNSTANG Prosecutor
Patrick MAGE External member
Former director of banking institutions and former chairman of the Comité d'audit of a cantonal bank 
Thomas VENNEN External member
Legal, good governance and transformation strategy advisor

See also

Interactive organizational chart